[Sitting with my name tag, at the 10th annual NJBDA Symposium... at Seton Hall University (of South Orange, NJ)... at 9:32 AM, on 5/9/23]



6:23 PM (3/30/24):

100 metres - Wikipedia

I was curious, about the statistics... ...regarding Usain Bolt's 100-meter... world record performance, at the 2009 World Championships... Berlin, Germany... ...Such is '9.58 seconds,' but I was curious... ...about 'further elaboration'... ...numerically, that is... Apparently, reaction times... 'are critical'...


12:53 PM (3/30/24):

Wanna see my bank account? ( (video uploaded on 10/7/16, over '7' years ago... of 3/30/24)

"I just revisited this video, after browsing through blogs... I had written... ...and concluded, that one of the main reasons... ...that humans, seek to find 'significant others'... due to 'relativity, in relationships'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

There is intrigue, in having a partner... ...who challenges oneself... well, as complementing... one's attributes... This is in the context, of 'adversity... being necessary, for spiritual growth'...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


8:16 PM (3/29/24):

Once-coveted Harvard degrees have been cheapened — no wonder applications are down (

"My hypothesis as to why there is a 4-year low, for early acceptance applications... Harvard University... due to all of the drama, on the campus... ...regarding antisemitism, the Supreme Court's recent decision... suppress affirmative action-based admissions (despite the fact, that such results in 'lessened diversity')... ...and the evolving academic environment (regarding collegiate settings)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:
Harvard has a reputation, for attracting students... ...from privileged, socioeconomic backgrounds (the affluent and wealthy, that is)... ...and hedonistic attitudes, may be unappealing... those, who have spiritual ideals...

8:29 PM (3/29/24):

NOTE #2:
The title of the 'above' article, seems satirical... ...but is potentially controversial, if that... is not so (due to the unethical nature, of 'coveting'... ...from a biblical standpoint, regarding the 'Ten Commandments')...

silence of the lambs.....he covets (

8:38 PM (3/29/24):

NOTE #3:
Last time I checked, one is supposed to value... ...the knowledge, one acquires... ...from the collegiate experience (regarding the experienced curriculum)... opposed, to merely touting... ...the brand name, of a school... has attended, is attending... ...or plans, to attend...

8:02 PM (3/29/24):

"Sometimes, I think it's best... to embrace the truth, rather than to be appeased... lies. The road less traveled, can be the one... with more obstacles..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure... ...that, you seek..." - Joseph Campbell 

[Joseph's quote, is metaphorical... ...for my 'above' inference, about the 'road less traveled'... ...although, sometimes you have to collect treasure... ...without, touching such... (a metaphor, for not biting off... ...more than you can chew... ...or gauging a class, before taking such... the context, of the nature... ...of collegiate expenses, and weighing one's aspirations... ...with one's commitments...)]

6:53 PM (3/30/24):

Aladdin (1992) Aladdin Finds Lamp/Cave of Wonders Destruction Scene (

Relevant... 3:00-3:53, has parallels... the scene from the 1994 'Lion King' movie, where Scar betrays Mufasa... ...and is responsible, for the latter's death...

The Lion King 1994 Mufasa Dies (

7:19 PM (3/30/24):

From 3:00-3:06, Simba (Mufasa's son) was made to look 'psychotic'... though, Scar was speaking for him... a 'puppet master'... he deceived Simba, into leaving his homeland ('the Pride Lands'... and misattributing Mufasa's death, from himself... to Simba)


12:26 PM (3/29/24):

february 💌 | rice university (

"When I watched 0:00-4:35 of this video, I was reminded of the Fall of 2008... Rice University. The present generation of Rice students, seems different... ....than then, though..." - Michael Izuchukwu


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