Posing next to a female name Kathryn, at the 10th annual NJBDA Symposium... at Seton Hall University (South Orange, NJ - 9:23 AM, on 5/9/23)

[photo in which, I am holding... 'main' phone (that has a 'broken screen protector'), at 5:08 PM... on 3/31/24]

7:09 AM (4/2/24):
I decided to watch this video, via my laptop. I then noticed, that via laptops or desktops... ...if the captions are 'turned on,' the text that is displayed... erroneous (such is a 'mismatch,' from what... I was saying). When I started the video, the captions came on... ...automatically (even though, I naturally do not watch videos... ...with them on)
This goes to show, that 'artificial intelligence' is prone... being flawed [such is the output, of manmade instructions (input)]... For all we humans know, language translators... people, of 'other countries'... ...are misleading, regarding the native language... ...that one, may speak (when trying to learn foreign languages, via non-certified means)...
7:16 AM (4/2/24):
The captions read:
'just was assassinate there you go from this establishment of beside his Vehicles Southwest New Jersey and well now he uh walking up to Seattle see it I can use the library and then whether or not it's open on Labor Day no matter what I always have gotten it's an exercise a good walk while listening to music ... foreign'
What I said was:
'Just bought... a sesame bagel, from... uh... ...this establishment, of Sonny's Bagels... South Orange, NJ... ...and will now be, uh... ...walking... ...up to Seton Hall... see if I can use the library, and whether or not...'s open, on Labor Day. No matter what, I'll at least have gotten... ...some exercise... ...a good walk, while listening... to music...'
To turn on captions, via a laptop or desktop... on the stacking, of '3' periods ('vertically arranged')

7:43 AM (4/2/24):
Interestingly I watched some other YouTube videos... ...via the 'captions being on'... ...and did not ('essentially'... ...aside from the misspelling, of 'Maryna Viazovska'... 'Marina Vyasovska'), have... 'that' issue. 
8:16 AM (4/2/24):

5:16 PM (4/1/24):
Then Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there are some standing here... ...who will not taste death… ...before they see the Kingdom, of God arrive… with power’…” – Mark 9 


3:12 PM (4/1/24):
I just came back from the McDonald's, in Orange, NJ... ...after having bought '1' McChicken (priced at $2.65), with the $1.25 in coins... ...that I brought, with me... I also handed the cashier a $10, but she handed me back $8.35... ...when I was due '$8.60'... Instinctively, I knew that she had given me change... ...shy, of what I was due... ...but my mind, was frazzled... the time. I believe I had seen a doppelganger, of a former astrophysics student (Erica Lastufka, of Rice University)... ...upon entry (regarding my time, at Rice... ...from the Fall of 2008, till January 2011). 

Facebook photo, timestamped as of 10/17/15
(the doppelganger, was 'also'... ...wearing, 'a cap')

NOTE #1:
A quarter ($0.25), was withheld...
This makes me feel, like I have to make things simpler... the future... ...when presenting change (if supplementing such, with cash)
NOTE #2:
This presumption of mine, is partially attributable... the fact, that I explicitly stated... ...that I had $1.25 in coins... ...which, I had counted... in advance...
NOTE #3:
It's more about the 'principle,' than the 'amount'...
NOTE #4:
Even though I can't 'rewind in time,' there are typically cameras... establishments... ...and the receipt, is a means of 'working backward'... ...given that I enunciated, the $1.25... I had brought, with me... the context, of audio-based documentation...
NOTE #5:
$1.25 + $10 = $11.25
[$11.25 = total cash, that was presented ($1.25 in coins & a $10 bill)... ...even though, the receipt... is faded (as is customary, at 'this' location)... ...and $11.00, seemingly displays]
$11.25 - $2.65 = $8.60
($8.60 = cash that I would have remaining, after paying... with the total cash, presented)
$2.65-$1.25 = $1.40
($1.40 = the price of '1' McChicken, after the value of the coins... is deducted, from that balance)
$8.60 - $8.35 = $0.25
($0.25 is the amount in coins, that I was shortchanged... ...when counting, what was given back)
NOTE #6:
I remember getting a $5, two $1's, and seeing '4' quarters... ...but the sum, was shy of $8.60... ...although, I had been distracted... and frazzled, at the time... ...and didn't want to 'be delayed,' when I didn't see anymore quarters... ...and just a sparse amount, of coins ('that were not dimes')

3:34 PM (4/1/24):
Just a quarter, although such is the 'highest value' coin... in U.S. currency...
(the energy expenditure, involved in 'the counting... of coins'... what gets, to me)

5:02 PM (4/1/24):
...I think that if one is governed by the spirit, to 'such an extent'... ...then his/her life, is influenced... ...accordingly. This may be an observation, that God the Son (Jesus Christ) and/or God the Father... ...finds, amusing...
(this is merely, an inference)


1:18 PM (4/1/24):

Condoleezza Rice - Government Official | Mini Bio | BIO (

2:26-2:50 of this video, was interesting... me. Condoleezza Rice was the first female, African American Secretary of State... ...of the United States (among other things)... ...and was an opponent, of 'global slavery'...


12:20 PM (4/1/24):

Trust The Delay - This Is Part Of God’s Plan For You! (

11:30-11:53 of this video, was particularly interesting. Jackie Stout VanTine remarks, that God the Father once said to Moses... ...via a burning bush (of flames, of some type), '...who made...'s mouth...?' Evidently, the human mouth... was designed by God the Father... ...for a function/purpose, that he saw fitting and/or necessary... ...regarding 'the human condition'... 

The mouth is the means, by which one's voice... transmitted... ...and such must have value, in the eyes of God the Father... ...assuming, that God the Father... did in fact... ...become irate/incensed, when Moses was displaying doubt &/or insecurity... 'his' 'projected presence'...


8:11 AM (4/1/24):

Moments ago, I had an idea. Such was in relation, to Maryna Viazovska's discoveries... ...regarding spatial dimensions 8 & 24... ...for which, she was bestowed... the Fields Medal. 

Fields Medal: Maryna Viazovska ( (3:22-4:01)

Evidently, if spheres pack a 'certain way'... those dimensions... can infer, that our 3-dimensional reality... a subset, of a grand... 'dimensional theme park'... 

When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and a cloud... hid Him, from the sight... of onlookers... ...'higher dimensions,' were likely... work. Clouds, are made up of water molecules...

NOTE #1:

God the Father, made humans 3-dimensional... ...for a divine reason (starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden)

NOTE #2:

Jesus Christ's life and actions, likely attracted the attention... or interest... ...of the governing dynamics, of 'higher dimensions' and/or 'higher powers'...

Moving forward, posts which follow... ...on 'this' blog... ...are intended, to be done... ...via cellular means (for the sake, of 'enhanced mobility') Links to videos, may be inserted via the same means (or via 'laptop'), subsequently... ...for the sake, of 'elucidation'...                                   


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


3:11 PM (3/31/24): 

JESUS is LIFE Ministries is live! - YouTube

At 3:11 PM on 3/31/24, when watching the ‘above’ video… …I got the idea, that one ('a person')... ...kind of is, ‘one’s own world’… …regarding one’s form, knowledgebase, memories, thoughts and feelings… This relates, to the following bible verse:

In Luke 17:20–21, Jesus says, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of God... within you…”

What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21, KJV)? |

The ‘above’ verse/quote, alludes to how arriving in heaven… …may be, via ‘counterintuitive’ means… …for those, who have abided in the ways… …of the Holy Spirit (a human’s link, to Jesus Christ/‘God the Son’… …who is the intermediator, between humans… …and God the Father)…

Arguably, the ultimate goal... life, is to do that which is necessary... 'gain entry, to heaven'... This can be inferred, by one... ...who has 'gained entry'...


2:38 PM (3/31/24):

The human voice, when enunciating words... ...can be reflective, of the 'human spirit'... 

The Prince of Egypt - God Speaks to Moses [1080p HD] ( (0:53-6:11)



Итак, пойди! (



1:55 PM (3/3/124):
Opinion: Why does Obama oppose Elon Musk’s plan for a Mars colony? (

When I read this article, my impression was that Former President Obama... ...may believe, that if humans colonize Mars... ...extraterrestrials may detect, that humans have been expanding their 'planetary presence'... ...and react, accordingly... ...given that the psychology of 'advanced extraterrestrials,' may be naturally 'reactionary'... ...and 'defensive'...


1:49 PM (3/31/24):

Was Jesus a man of color? Why this question matters more than ever | CNN



9:39 AM (3/31/24):

At 9:08 AM on 3/31/24, sometime after consuming a croissant & sparkling water… …which I had acquired from Walgreens (at 8:26 AM, on 3/31/24) to supplement my breakfast, of scrambled eggs & a sausage patty… …today… …I had an idea. Regarding one’s trajectory in life, at some point… …if someone does not keep up with the ‘tides of resistance,’ that are affiliated... with being in spacetime… …then one has diminishing returns, on one’s energy expenditure... and invested efforts.

If you think of yourself, as one… …being born, in a part of world… …that adheres, to a different alphabet… …one may or may not, think of oneself… …as more privileged, or successful… …in life.

There is the question, as to which alphabet... most meaningful. Arguably, alphabets are more important... ...than languages... ...given that languages, are based off alphabets... 

Alphabets, are comprised of letters... ...which are geometric, given they are shapes... ...which are ascribed 'sounds'. When letters are juxtaposed, they form words... ...which result in 'substantiated sounds'... opposed, to 'elementary' ones... ...regarding interpretations.

"Words are the means to meaning, and for those who will listen... ...the enunciation, of truth..." - V (of 'V for Vendetta')

How Most of the World's Alphabets Are Related (

9:48 AM (3/31/24):

One wonders, what is the ‘most efficient’ alphabet, upon which language… …is based. Furthermore, one wonders (via extrapolation)… …what is the most efficient language.
Efficiency, often correlates… …to value.

The value of a language, may be affiliated… …with its speakers/users, and the culture and customs… …that employ such…

25 Most Spoken Languages in the World | Far & Wide (

Imagine if you were born in a part of the world, where 'a word'... ...translates, to a letter... ...that looks, like 'a house'... Language impacts the way, we humans... ...process, our realities... [this is the perspective, of one (myself)... ...who is a native speaker... of 'American English']

chinese letter that looks like a house - Google Search

This could give the impression, that some humans... may have a psychology... ...where, they 'live in words'... some sense... 

...If the English word 'she,' translates to geometric text... ...that resembles, 'a house'... ...via translation, into Chinese... ...then maybe that implies, that some people go outside... ...everyday, in China... ....and view houses, as something 'endearing'... This is in the context, of the term 'she'... ...implying a 'female'... ...and females, tending to be more nurturing... than males... human societies... 

Nevertheless, 'the above' observation (regarding the psychology-based perception, of the 'word translation')... arguably, one that evokes... ...of 'hedonism'... ...which is where humans place baseless and excess value, on materialism-based ideologies... ...which are not, 'of the spirit'...


11:50 AM (3/31/24):

Moving to a new house نقلت على بيت جديد مع ورشة تصليح كبيرة (


10:12 AM (3/31/24):

Michael Izuchukwu on Gab: '9:35 PM (4/21/23): "Intriguing video, about people…'


2:11 PM (3/31/24):

Countries that Still Have Slavery 2024 (

If we look at the map, via the 'above link'... ...which is from, the link... ...which preceded such... ...we can infer... ...that slavery exists everywhere, but to varying degrees... ...Its abolishment, is attributable... 'freedom fighters'... As is explained, the concentration of slavery in African and Middle Eastern countries... higher, than in Asia... ...although in Asia, there are a greater number... of slaves. This line of thinking, sheds light... on slavery's qualitative, versus quantitative... aspects...

I asked myself, how does the U.S. have 1,091,000 slaves...? I thought that was banned, a long time ago...

Specifically, the 13th Amendment (which abolishes slavery)... ...was passed by Congress, on January 31, 1865...


(time interval of 1/31/1865 to 3/31/2024 = 1,910 months... or 159 years & 2 months)

The ratification of the 13th amendment, did not occur... ...until 12/6/1865

abolishment of slavery - Google Search


10:15 AM (3/31/24):

12 YEARS A SLAVE: "Where You From, Platt?" ( (0:28-0:45)


"There is an indisputable correlation between mathematics and linguistics... ... ...and that based off one's familiarity with one's native tongue, some countries are like 'foreign lands'... to those... of others... ...regarding prevailing cultures, and lifestyles..."


"We know that mathematics is 'a' universal language, and is linked to rhetorical expression/word formulation... and linguistics (Jesus Christ spoke the language of 'Aramaic'... His message and teachings, have been subject to global translations)"


I think 'the above,' is why there are 'many Asian Americans (and Asians, of the world)'... ...who place tremendous value, on mathematics (regarding familiarization, with such). Mathematics, is the 'universal language'... All over the world, numbers (which also, are geometric shapes) are constant... In every country, a '1' is a '1'... ...and a '2' is a '2'... ...although different words, based off different alphabets... ...may describe them (regarding the country, one is in)...


10:30 AM (3/31/24): 

I think, that the 2005 film 'War of the Worlds'... ...was partially inspired, by the concept... of 'War of Words'... ...given that the word 'world'... ...looks like the word 'word'...

This supports my observation/insight, that the worlds we are a part of (within the world/planet of Earth), are language-based)... ...given that language interpretation & use, heavily influences... we humans, process... our realities...

[arguably, the Holy Spirit (a human's link, to Jesus Christ/'God the Son') is what permits... ...body language, to be a pathway... better understanding, foreign languages (and to relate to people, who speak languages... ...other, than one's own/'native tongue')... ...when one, is not... being instructed]

10:46 AM (3/31/24): 


"If someone reads this 'dimensions blog,' of mine... ...arguably, one has to have a great understanding... of the English language, along with familiarization with mathematics concepts... 'aptly' process, my divulged insights..." - Michael Izuchukwu

This 'above' quote, relates to the juxtaposition... ...of imagination, versus knowledge...

To me, imagination is more about 'visualization'... within the mind... ...while knowledge, could be thought of... 'rehearsed information'...

12:10 PM (3/31/24):
TVO S James Gates on Does Reality have a Genetic Basis (

I was deeply intrigued, by 0:00-4:23... ...of the 'above,' video... which Dr. Sylvester James Gates (an American theoretical physicist), mentioned that human technology... is limited, to processing matter... ...on the scale, of 10/\-18 meters...

This makes you wonder, about 'smaller things'... well, as the deepest into space... ...humans, have ever... peered...

12:26 PM (3/31/24):

Computer Code Discovered In Superstring Equations (

In this video, Neil deGrasse Tyson engages in conversation... ...with Sylvester James Gates... ...regarding 'computer code,' which may be embedded... the fabric, of 'our reality'... 

Regarding 2:23 to 2:42 of the 'above' video, I was wondering to myself... ...what is a 'super-differential equation'...? ...The 'super' part, is what I found... ...perplexing...

11:53 AM (3/31/24):

About | Michael Izuchukwu (


Home | Michael Izuchukwu (

I think the reason that my dad ('who I grew up with'), never taught me his native language... of 'Ibo'... because he may have 'fled Nigeria (due to the Biafran War, from July 6, 1967 - January 15, 1970)'.

...the 'buy a friend war'... (My dad was 12 to 15 years old, at the time... he must have been thinking to myself, 'I have to... get out'...) ...Interestingly though, my dad never spoke to me... ...about 'this'...

Nevertheless, in December 2018 (after having reconnected, via the phone... ...and 8 months of talking, since 4/22/18)... dad had said I was Egyptian-American, given that he was saying that his 'Ibo tribe'... ...had ties, to a lineage... of Hebrews ('the Hebrew people, of Egypt')... 


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